Every Day
I bring visual design experience and passion for user research to my work every day. I believe solving user needs requires working collaboratively with users. This type of collaborative teamwork is not exclusive to only the design and the product development process. End-users need to be considered a member of the team and no decision should be made without them having a voice. This vital communication with users lays the groundwork for what comes next and directly contributes to the successful process of design and development. Without validated user input, everything is just assumptions.

Inspires Me
If you were to ask me what inspires me about creating exceptional customer experiences, I would say it’s the structure that user-centered design brings to the process. I’m inspired every

day by the method and best practices, we as practitioners, have available to use to apply to the process of solving user needs. Having this toolbox is only part of the equation. Knowing that you have the flexibility of when to apply it and what the right tools are, possessing the communication skills to articulate the proposed approach and of course, the experience and skill to execute, are key to uncovering solutions that meet business and user needs.

A Conversation
If you’re as passionate about user-center design, are always including the user in the process, and open to seeing where a conversation might lead, I would be open to having that conversation, too.